Did you know you burn Calories doing nothing?
I'm serious even breathing burns calories not many but still...
Every step you take,
every time you bend over,
whenever you pick something up
you burn some calories.
Every thing you do is potential for extra burn especially if
you workout in the morning and your metabolism is already going.
If you cant make it to the gym for a super killer burn or you just want to go the extra mile so to speak and rack up some more calories burned,
these 10 activities don't take much and most you might already do.
If you are mindful and employ just 3 of these activity's through out your day for at least 5 days a week you will have burned enough calories to lose 25lbs in a year right there alone.
1. At work (or at home if your like my family lol)
Don't text or email a memo walk to the individuals desk
or room and deliver the message when ever possible.
2. If you work at a desk take the last five minutes of
every hour to stretch or walk about.
3. Clean a room for about 20 Min's.
4. Vacuum or mop for 20 Min's.
5. Park at the back of the parking lot when you go somewhere.
6. When your waiting on the microwave or for water to boil run
in place or do some squats.
7. If a cart is not required use a basket at the supermarket.
It tones your arms ;)
8. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
(at least half the way if it's a super tall building or you have bad knees)
9. Soaking in a hot bath for 30 Min's can burn 130 calories.
10. Swaping your Desk chair for a stability ball can
burn an extra 300 calories a day.
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