Do YOU Boo Boo

Whether your goal is to be a bodybuilder ora professional eater, it doesn't matter. Be whatever you want... As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else it's not anybody's business. You're job is to seek out the most meaningful life to you. You don't owe anybody anything. 
That being said your girls here with another Monday morning weigh in!!

I'm down 6lbs this week!!
aAl right y'all, I'll see you next Monday with a weigh-in and a recipe. We're going to be making flatbread pizzas.. Yummy. Until then may the scale be ever in your favor! 

It's all or nothing baby!

The killer of progress. My arch nemesis. And that little voice in the back of my head that says, damn fatty you just ruined your whole day over cookie. 

The dreaded All or nothing mentality.
If you've ever had to lose weight then you've probably come up against this very issue. 

You are having a great day, maybe even a great week.. Slaying the workouts. Killing the caloric deficits. Just doing all the things you know you should be. You are feeling amazing, like you're on top of the world. Then in the middle of all that progress you get busy or caught up and have to eat a fast food dinner. Or your partner wants to take you out on a date. Maybe it's the holidays and now you have to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. Whatever the case may be you are now faced with a plateful of food that is not in your caloric wheelhouse right now. 

What do you do?? 

Hopefully you eat your one bad meal and it changes nothing. You understand that things pop up in life and everyday won't be perfect eating and workouts. You were able to enjoy your meal and then go back to killing it with your weight loss. 

But if you're anything like me that one meal made you feel like a failure. You somehow forget all about the good meals and the hard workouts you have been focusing on. You put all your attention on that one meal in the middle of your week and you decide that you already missed your exit so you might as well keep on driving.

I know, I know, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Who has ever missed an exit and just kept driving till the end of the highway. No one. It makes no sense.. it doesn't even make sense to myself. Yet it's what I do time and time again. And apparently I'm not alone. 

It's time to bust out of that All or nothing mentality. This weight loss journey is not about deprivation. It is not about never. It's about not as much. If you are looking for a stability you won't get there by saying you'll never have another cookie again. That's not realistic and it's time to live in the real world. 

So let's slow things down and just focus on one meal at a time. If you step over your caloric line you can always back up. Do not think of yourself as a failure. You are human. That cookie tasted amazing and you deserved it. Now go get back on your grind boo. We got heads to turn.

       Monday 3/15/2021  down 8lbs 🏃🏻‍♀️
Hope you all had an amazing week. I'll see you Monday and until then may the scale be ever in your favor.



Five Years Later

 Hey y'all. 

It's been awhile. Did you meet your goal? Did you keep the weight off? Are you now living the life you were dreaming of when we started this 5 long years ago?  

Nope, I did not, and I definitely am not.

In fact I only ever achieved a third of my weight loss goal. I gained it all back and then some and I am now further from that life than ever. 

So what happened?? How did I go from slaying weight loss to struggling with it?

Life. In losing the weight I started to enjoy my life again. I was going out with friends, meeting new people, and doing new things. I was looking good, feeling good and so excited to show it off. Which is what this journey was all about. And that initial weight loss led me to many great things. Like my amazing husband whom I married last March and our beautiful new baby together.

But somewhere along the line I stopped pushing myself. I got too comfortable eating out and skipping workouts. I quickly forgot why I had even gotten started in the first place and in no time I was all play. Yet again my life had no balance. 

When I step back now with a clear head and assess the last 5 years, I can see that I fell prey to the very thing I warned myself about time and time again. That dreaded All or nothing mentality.

 I would be having a perfectly great day calorie wise then go out with my husband have a bad lunch and instead of going home and having a better dinner, I would just jump off the caloric cliff. This time with a partner that told me I was beautiful the whole way down. 

It was much easier to ignore the signs of obesity while I was happy and with a partner who could care less what I looked like. I used my new life and my new happiness as an excuse. I played willfully ignorant as I stuffed my face with all the yummy foods, sat on the couch next to my handsome husband and gained every pound back. Knowing all to well the health risks and negative feelings that come free with every bite.

Now my new sweet baby is turning one. The same age my first son was when I realized I needed to lose weight in the first place. I am not smaller for this child but bigger. I have not done better but worse. And thinking about that first birthday quickly approaching while I'm in worse shape than I was five years ago had me shook to my very squishy core.

I pulled up my big girl pants in January 2021 and got back to it. Now I am down 24lbs and back to my original starting point. Which lead me right back here. 

At the end of the day I am and have always been a BIG girl and this big girl is hungry. 

HUNGRY for success.

I'll be posting every Monday with a picture and weigh-in update. I will also try to come with the all the motivation, tips, tricks, workouts and recipes just like before. This is Puff into Tuff round 2 and I'm your humbled host Kat weighing in at 290. 

See ya Monday and until then may the scale be ever in your favor.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Ice Cream

I'm back y'all and boy do I have a treat for you. Who here has a sweet tooth? This girl does! Today I got some low calorie high prot...