Welcome to Build a Butt!

Wednesdays are Butt day's!
Can I get an amen?

 I have what one might call a Pancake booty, It's wide and flat. 
No joke. I am all boob no butt. 

Luckily for me, the butt is a big muscle that I can whip in to shape!
 Honestly I have seen the results form my butt day work outs pretty quickly.
 I am well on my way to bubble butt city!!!

 (Seriously I catch myself grabbing my own butt like man where did you come from)

Booty Work Out

30 second Plank
25 Squats
25 Lunges right and left 
30 sec Plank
25 Floor Bridges
25 Squat side kicks 

follow up with a nice walk and that's a Wednesday well done in my book!
Remember you can feel free to lower or up the intensity to fit your needs!!!

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