Rest Days... Where is my rest mussel and how do I train it?

Ahh Rest Days!
 I both Love and Hate Rest days.
After a week of killing it in work outs nothing sounds better than rest day. 

Yet when it comes to actually taking a rest day, sometimes that takes more dedication then the work outs. I get this horrid guilty feeling in my tummy. It screams at me that I have had enough rest days in my life time.

The thing is though you can't have that mentality at all.
 Repeat after me... Rest day Is not cheat day.

Rest day is essential to all regular work out routines.
It is important for your mind and body.

Rest Days -
Reduce risk of Injury
Helps avoid over training
Repairs mussel tissue
Reboots the mind
Strengthens your joints
Replenishes your energy and fluids

Now that's not to say you shouldn't still be active. Try a nice walk, light stretching or a relaxing swim. Just make sure to rest your body along the way. Rest day is also a great day to Catch up on things. I use mine for house work and meal prepping.

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