HIIT What is it and Why you should do it!

If your reason for not working out as much is lack of time then this post s for you.

What is the best way to burn the most fat in the least amount of time??? 

High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT! 

HIIT is a training technique in which you go all out in quick intense burst of exercise, followed by short periods of rest. Which gets and keeps your heart rate up allowing you to burn more fat in less time. 

10 Reasons You should add it to your weekly routine.

1. It will help you build a better Heart.

2. It requires no equipment.

3. Supports Fat loss not muscle loss.

4. You can do it Anywhere.

5. A HIIT workout only takes between 10 - 20 mins.

6. You burn more fat because you continue to burn fat long after the workout.

7. You burn more calories in 10 mins doing HIIT then 30 mins on a treadmill.

8. It will increase your metabolism.

9. You will never get bored.

10. It will always be a challenge.

Sample Work outs:

15 rounds - work 30 sec - rest 10 sec 

Run as fast as you can for 30 sec 
rest 10 sec

repeat 15 times

and that's your 10 minute work out

or for Something Harder

3 rounds - work 45 sec - rest 15 sec

Jumping Jacks for 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Push ups for 45 sec
rest 15 sec 
Squats for 45 sec
rest 15 sec 
Butt Kicks for 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Lunges for 45 sec
rest 15 sec

repeat 3 times

and that's a 20 minute work out

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