Who needs Dumbbells?

It is no secret that with a single income family I like to spend as little money as possible and one way to do that is to train at home vs a gym. 

Now by not going to the gym I am left with no equipment.
Which isn't a problem for cardio
 but for strength training it can be a pain.

What's a broke mom to do??? 

Get creative that's what!!!

This is a list of Amazing strength exercises 
that use your own body weight as the ultimate piece of gym equipment!

Chair dips
Wall presses
Jump Squats
Wall Push-ups
Standing Leg Lifts
Full body weight Squats
Standing Calf Raises
Laying Side Leg Lifts
Reverse Crunches
Vertical leg Crunches
Back Extensions
Bird Dogs
Split Leg back Extensions

You don't have to do them all just pick 5 or 6 and do a few reps of each. Once you get comfy add more reps and increase speed.

For those of you that still want to work with weights but don't have the money to go buy them, Tomorrows post is all about how to Make weights at home.  You can even adjust the weight on them yourself as you get stronger!!

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