Today is Transformation Tuesday.
Personally I couldn't think of a better topic to talk about after coming home from the beach than transformations.
Anyone who knows me knows I hate going to the beach.
I love water and would gladly swim all day. I don't mind the salt air smell or the hot sand on the bottom of my feet. No the Beach it self was never the problem.
It was everything that came along with it.
I hated people seeing my body in a swim suit.
I felt more like a beached whale then a mermaid.
I hated standing/walking on the beach all day.
Seriously I would do anything to not have to move.
I hated the stupid gift shops where my beautiful thin sister could buy cute clothes
to remind her of the trip and I was stuck with a some kind of lame
mood jewelry because I couldn't even fit a stupid t-shirt.
I hated going to dinner and having people watch me eat
or god forbid I had to order my own food.
I hated the other beach goers.
I didn't want them looking at me or talking to me.
I would just assume they were making fun of me even though they probably couldn't have cared less.
I hated seeing a cute boy look at me.
I mean really hated it. Like hid in the sand you cant see me like this hated it.
I was always hyper aware of everyone and felt so judged when the only one judging me was myself.
No the beach was never a fun place for me.
If my family went to Florida you could bet your sweet bottom you would find me in the hotel room laying in bed with a sandwich hiding from the world.
Well Ladies and Gentleman that was not the trip I had.
I got out and got active.
I was on the beach In my two piece having a blast.
I truly understood how amazing the experience actually is.
I was able to do things the old me would have never even tried.
I am so happy to be in control of my body.
To be able to push myself further.
Gone are the days of hiding in a hotel room.
When I climbed the steps in that light house I truly think I went up one person and came down another. I had a new confidence in me that I cant even describe.
As I Continue to get healthier and make and meet new goals, I will look back on the moment I stood on that deck at the top of the lighthouse and remember the feeling of true transformation.
I am no longer the lazy fat kid hiding from the world.
I am now a strong confident woman who will never back down form a challenge or shy away from a new experience because it's difficult or I am worried what people may think.
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