Family Fitness

We all have busy lives and things get in the way of working out. Between work, family, friends, house work, and errands it's like who has the time or even wants to when they are so tired after a long day....

I get it, Trust me. 
I am always saying that there is never enough time in the day. Something I had to learn to do was to prioritize my health. I made it a daily habit and now it's becoming a hobby, something I really look forward to. 

One way that really helps me make sure I have time for a really good amount of exercise, is by combining it with family time. My son and I go out and do activities together which is such a win win. I get to spend time with my sweet boy, be healthy, and teach him how to be healthy as well. 

Here are some great ways you can be active with your family or friends!

Toss a ball
Play tag
Go on a hike
Play Hide an Seek
Roller Blading/Skating
Play Volleyball
Explore a new park
Play Soccer
Make a Scavenger hunt
Play Baseball
Ice Skating
Play Basketball
Ride Bikes
Play Touch Football
Go Bowling
Play Leap Frog
Make an obstacle course
Play Frisbee
Go for an after dinner Walk
Play Charades
Take a class together
Do Yoga Together
Do a Ropes course.

Get up and get moving together!

Just a little heads up for the new moms and grandmas, tomorrows post is a really great mix of Stroller Exercises!! 

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