Let me Start this off by saying this is a Fitness and Health Blog! Only it's a little different. This Fitness Blog is written By an unfit person. My Intended audience other unfit people. There's no gimmick. I don't want you to buy anything from me. I don't want you to run out get equipment or products from any brands. I just want to provide insight into a never ending fight almost everyone face's Weight loss.
Hey I'm Kat. I am a 26 year old stay at home mom, who As I said above is unfit. I have struggled with weight loss my whole entire Life. I have never been thin not once. I'm talking born chunky lol.
In Fact On January 15th 2017, I went to the Doctor which I always avoid and found out that I weighed in at a Whooping 300Lbs even. I mean I had always been bigger but seeing it right there and Then later hearing the doctor say I was on a quick path to never being able to really play with my son, who was only one at the time because of my weight was just devastating.
I am sure by now your thinking omg why is she writing a fitness blog and not on pintrest searching for new ways to make cupcakes right? Well the truth is ever since that doctors appointment I have been searching and searching for honest advice, motivation, tips, and maybe even someone who's been through something close to what I am now trying to push myself through.
After months of searching for real help and only getting someone trying to sell me something, make money off me, and fad diets that make me drop weight quickly only for me to gain it all back and then some or worse actualy make me sick. I was feeling pretty depleted. I had lost about 40lbs but gained most of it back. I was so sick of the bs on the Internet and the lack of progress I was making.
So I did what I always do and I called my momma. She gave me about the best piece of advice I could have at that time.... If I want to lose weight all have to do is a little more than the day before. She gave me a fitbit and told me to set small goals for myself and now less then 3 months later I weighed in at 250 this week. I am feeling really great after losing a total of 50lbs, but I know I still have a Long Long way to go before I reach my final goal of weighing 135lbs.
Which is why I want to start this Blog now. I want to provide an honest account of weight loss not powered by anything other than, I couldn't find real help and I hope this will provide help for someone else. I am not a trainer, doctor, athlete nothing of the sort. I am just a busy stay at home mom with a tight budget. I intend to keep sharing my story as I continue on this weight loss journey as well as the things I find helpful and motivational.
I will be sharing my Exercises, Recipes, Tips, and Experiences as I go!
After all this is just one girls story of Taking chances and turning her Puff into Tuff.
Please feel free to leave feed back or questions. I would love to hear your fitness story.