It's Fabulous Friday aka Total body work out day.

I know, I know I said we were gonna split it all up. 
Doing a total body work out at the end of the week brings a little burn to all the muscles and can actually increase your muscular recovery rate.

Total Body Work Out

30 second Plank
25 Jumping Jacks
25 Bent over Twist
30 second Plank
25 High Knees 
1 min butt kicks

Always finish out with a nice walk.

Time to get a Leg up

Happy Thursday everyone! 

Thursdays are leg days in my house.
 Since I started working out I have become obsessed with  the idea of running.
 It has become a goal of mine to be able to run in a 5k. 
So building strong legs is pretty important to me.

Even If your not running a 5k anytime soon, it is important to build a strong foundation. Our legs should get meddles all the weight they have to lift, so lets help em out a bit. 

Leg Day Work Out

30 second Plank
25 Donkey Kicks each leg
25 Leg lifts
30 second Plank
25 Spidermans each leg
25 Side Laying leg lifts each leg

Welcome to Build a Butt!

Wednesdays are Butt day's!
Can I get an amen?

 I have what one might call a Pancake booty, It's wide and flat. 
No joke. I am all boob no butt. 

Luckily for me, the butt is a big muscle that I can whip in to shape!
 Honestly I have seen the results form my butt day work outs pretty quickly.
 I am well on my way to bubble butt city!!!

 (Seriously I catch myself grabbing my own butt like man where did you come from)

Booty Work Out

30 second Plank
25 Squats
25 Lunges right and left 
30 sec Plank
25 Floor Bridges
25 Squat side kicks 

follow up with a nice walk and that's a Wednesday well done in my book!
Remember you can feel free to lower or up the intensity to fit your needs!!!

If I can ... you can

So This is a pretty vulnerable post.
I wanted you guys to see that the hard work pays off.

I still have a Long way to go
but this is the difference 8 weeks makes when you dig deep and try hard.
Their were many days I could have done better but I am so proud of the work I did.
Like my momma says Just do more than the day before!

Getting to the Core of the matter

Today is Tuesday and that means .... CORE DAY!!!! 

Working on your core means - tighten up that Tummy.

Core Work Out
 30 second Plank
25 crunches
25 Floor Bridges
30 second Plank
50 bird dogs alternating legs
25 Superman's

follow that up with a walk or run and that's my Tuesday!

It's the little things.

So today I went a little over thirteen miles which is awesome. I have gone farther before this but It was all walking. Today the bulk of it was by running!!!
3 months ago I couldn't walk a mile. I am patting myself on the back big time. My interval training Is paying off in so many ways! I can't wait to see how it Impacts the scale. 

Getting in the zone - Arm Day

So when I first started working out I made the classic mistake of trying to do everything at once. I was so determined to lose the weight, I wasn't thinking about my safety or my body's next day response. 
(or lack there of since it took everything in me to stand up right)

Something that's really important to keep in mind is that even though you should always give 100% and probably get used to being sore for awhile you still need to be reasonable about what you can handle in the now. Start small and set goals so you can keep moving forward. 

I have recently adopted the tried and true workout routine style, where I split my body into zones and work a different zone each day. By braking up my work out routine into different days I am assuring that every zone gets attention as well as recovery.

 I will post a work out a day this week so you can get a good example.
Feel free to use my work out or customize it fit your needs :)

Since Today is Monday it is an arm day for me.
 I never miss an arm day. I have these horrid arm flappy things I want gone!!!
You think im kidding but my arm's keep waving long after I stop lol.

 I have to say its only been like 3 weeks and my arms are already starting to tighten up!

Arm flab be gone work out

30 second Plank
25 Bicep Curls on both arms
25 Tight arm circles forwards and backwards
30 second Plank
25 Big arm circles forwards and backwards
25 Over head presses

I also Walk at least 5 miles everyday!

If you need to start smaller cut the times and counts in half 
If you need to go harder add weights or time.

(Don't have weights? Me either... I am way to broke lol so I am using can goods till i get some. They start so light and end up super heavy.)

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Chili!!

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Chili

This is my yummy go to food when I wanna pig out without the Calories!
It's perfect for a Sunday night dinner, Super cheap, and always yields leftovers! 
This Meal can also be made vegan by using water in place of chicken broth.
It is also easy to make since it's a crock pot meal!

- Ingredients -

2 Cans of Chili ready tomatoes
2 Cans of Tomato sauce
1 Can of Chickpeas
1 Large Sweet Potato
1 Packet of Chili powder
2 Cups of Water or Chicken broth
1 Can of Black beans or Kidney beans
1/4 of an Onion
1 Bell pepper

(You can use any beans or vegetables you want)

- instructions -

1. Peel and Dice Sweet Potato
2. Open your chickpea and bean cans and rinse them
3. Dice your onion and bell pepper
4. Put crock pot on low 
5. Pour canned tomatoes, chicken broth (or water), beans, veggies and chili powder into the crock pot. 
6. Cover and let your crock pot do the work.

Your dinner should be done in about 6 hours!!!

1 Batch is 1,680 Calories!
1 Bowl is 210 Calories!

Rest Days... Where is my rest mussel and how do I train it?

Ahh Rest Days!
 I both Love and Hate Rest days.
After a week of killing it in work outs nothing sounds better than rest day. 

Yet when it comes to actually taking a rest day, sometimes that takes more dedication then the work outs. I get this horrid guilty feeling in my tummy. It screams at me that I have had enough rest days in my life time.

The thing is though you can't have that mentality at all.
 Repeat after me... Rest day Is not cheat day.

Rest day is essential to all regular work out routines.
It is important for your mind and body.

Rest Days -
Reduce risk of Injury
Helps avoid over training
Repairs mussel tissue
Reboots the mind
Strengthens your joints
Replenishes your energy and fluids

Now that's not to say you shouldn't still be active. Try a nice walk, light stretching or a relaxing swim. Just make sure to rest your body along the way. Rest day is also a great day to Catch up on things. I use mine for house work and meal prepping.

I get by with a Little help From my Friends!

Something I wish I would have Known at the beginning, is that doing this all on my own is ridiculous. I was to embarrassed to tell anyone I was trying to lose weight. I figured if I failed I didn't want anyone to know. That right there was a Problem. I hadn't even started and yet I already thought I was going To be unsuccessful. 

I can not stress enough the importance of a good support system. Having support can keep you moving forward on the roughest of days. Reach out to people close to you, sometimes all we need is an ear or someone to tell us were are doing great and to keep going. If you don't feel comfortable going to someone you know or don't feel like you know someone to go to, join a fitness community. 

When I reached out to the large community on the fitbit forum I was pleasantly surprised by the helpful feed back I got, as well as the cheers when I started completing goals. We all need a little help from time to time and the people around you may surprise you. I can't tell you the number of recipes and tips that came poring in from my facebook buddies when I finally let everyone in on my journey to lose weight.

Weight loss is an extremely personal thing.  I get It. Trust me I was that girl that took every picture from above and would have died if a "fat pic" of me got out some how and now I am sharing my weight loss journey with strangers and that scares the crap outta me. It also happens to fuel me to keep going. 

You don't have to make a blog or announce your weight to the world. Just find something or someone that you feel comfortable with. Make sure that you know they will push you when you need it and celebrate all your victories with you. If nothing else know that I am here cheering for you daily!!!

Stepping Up!!!

This is is for my steps you can always find my latest at the top! 
Please feel free to comment your steps as well :)

As If you needed another reason

Your amazing new body along with People's reaction to your weight loss, are just a few good reasons to dig deep and keep moving forward no matter how hard it get's. 

The 3 Keys To weight loss

If you wanna lose weight do not buy into the gimmicks you can not lose weight and KEEP it off by doing a juice cleanse, fasting, the drink coffee diet, or any other fad diets. Sure you might lose weight at first but you will gain it all back and then some.

You only need to do three things to lose weight....

1. Change your Mind. - Having a positive attitude and telling yourself just how amazing you are and can be is probably the most important part. Your biggest strength is your belief in yourself and the process.

2. Change your diet. - Yes its cheaper and faster to get a Mc double than make a healthy meal, but you are worth the extra effort. One of my favorite meals is tomato soup and a turkey roll up which only cost about 1.50 per serving. It is very filling and only 218 calories. If nothing else make simple swaps to gear up to a new way of eating.

3. Change your movement. - Everyone no matter how busy has 5 minutes a day. Give your self five minutes everyday for the first two weeks to move. Any kind of movement is awesome walking, running, dancing, or even air boxing, it doesn't matter just do it. Every 2 weeks add another five minutes till your confident enough to make your own routine.

Losing weight is hard, Being fat is hard. Pick your battle wisely.

Taking Chances!

    Let me Start this off by saying this is a Fitness and Health Blog! Only it's a little different. This Fitness Blog is written By an unfit person. My Intended audience other unfit people. There's no gimmick. I don't want you to buy anything from me. I don't want you to run out get equipment or products from any brands. I just want to provide insight into a never ending fight almost everyone face's Weight loss.

   Hey I'm Kat. I am a 26 year old stay at home mom, who As I said above is unfit. I have struggled with weight loss my whole entire Life. I have never been thin not once. I'm talking born chunky lol.
    In Fact On January 15th 2017, I went to the Doctor which I always avoid and found out that I weighed in at a Whooping 300Lbs even. I mean I had always been bigger but seeing it right there and Then later hearing the doctor say I was on a quick path to never being able to really play with my son, who was only one at the time because of my weight was just devastating.

    I am sure by now your thinking omg why is she writing a fitness blog and not on pintrest searching for new ways to make cupcakes right? Well the truth is ever since that doctors appointment I have been searching and searching for honest advice, motivation, tips, and maybe even someone who's been through something close to what I am now trying to push myself through.

   After months of searching for real help and only getting someone trying to sell me something, make money off me, and fad diets that make me drop weight quickly only for me to gain it all back and then some or worse actualy make me sick. I  was feeling pretty depleted. I had lost about 40lbs but gained most of it back. I was so sick of the bs on the Internet and the lack of progress I was making.

   So I did what I always do and I called my momma. She gave me about the best piece of advice I could have at that time.... If I want to lose weight all  have to do is a little more than the day before. She gave me a fitbit and told me to set small goals for myself and now less then 3 months later I weighed in at 250 this week. I am feeling really great after losing a total of 50lbs, but I know I still have a Long Long way to go before I reach my final goal of weighing 135lbs.

   Which is why I want to start this Blog now. I want to provide an honest account of weight loss not powered by anything other than, I couldn't find real help and I hope this will provide help for someone else. I am not a trainer, doctor, athlete nothing of the sort. I am just a busy stay at home mom with a tight budget. I intend to keep sharing my story as I continue on this weight loss journey as well as the things I find helpful and motivational.

          I will be sharing my Exercises, Recipes, Tips, and Experiences as I go!

    After all this is just one girls story of Taking chances and turning her Puff into Tuff.

   Please feel free to leave feed back or questions. I would love to hear your fitness story.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Ice Cream

I'm back y'all and boy do I have a treat for you. Who here has a sweet tooth? This girl does! Today I got some low calorie high prot...